Official Statement on the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States

The Principality of Kaharagia, as a matter of precedent, does not traditionally issue messages of congratulation on the occasion of elections or inaugurations of Presidents of the United States of America. This position stems from the foundational principles of our nation, which was established in direct response to the socio-political climate of the United States in 2010—a state of affairs that, regrettably, persists to this day.

In light of this context, the Principality of Kaharagia acknowledges the inauguration of Mr Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. On this occasion, we extend our thoughts, best wishes, and prayers to all Usonians for peace, prosperity, and the advancement of equality within their nation.

However, we feel compelled to reaffirm our principled stance against the rhetoric of hate, bigotry, and racism that has too often characterised Mr Trump’s public statements and those of many of his supporters. Such language and actions starkly oppose the values of mutual respect, inclusion, and human dignity that the Principality of Kaharagia holds sacred.

We hope that all leaders, regardless of their nation or position, will recognise the imperative to foster unity and understanding within their societies, promoting a world where everyone is treated fairly and equally.

Detroit, 20 January 2025