Royal Decree No. 1/2025 of 1 January 2025 on the Establishment of the Register of Arms, Flags, and Badges of Kaharagia

WHEREAS the Principality of Kaharagia is committed to the preservation, protection, and promotion of its national symbols, heraldic heritage, and the integrity of its armorial traditions as vital components of its cultural and historical identity;

HAVING REGARD TO the importance of regulating the use and display of arms, flags, and badges within Kaharagia to ensure their accurate representation and lawful registration;

RECOGNISING the necessity of establishing an official Register of Arms, Flags, and Badges to maintain authoritative records and provide Our Officers of Arms with guidance on heraldic matters;

NOW, THEREFORE, WE, in Our Sovereign capacity, by the authority vested in Us, do hereby decree as follows:

Article I: Establishment of the Register

1. There is hereby established a Register of Arms, Flags, and Badges of Kaharagia (hereinafter referred to as “the Register”).

2. The Register shall serve as the official repository of all arms, flags, and badges granted, recognised, or recorded by the Principality of Kaharagia.

3. The Register shall be maintained under the authority of the Royal Kaharagian Institute of Heraldry (hereinafter referred to as “the Institute”).

Article II: Function and Administration

1. The Institute shall be responsible for the administration, maintenance, and upkeep of the Register.

2. The Institute shall evaluate applications for the registration of arms, flags, and badges, ensuring compliance with Kaharagian heraldic traditions and legal requirements. It shall also ensure that no arms, flags, or badges are duplicated within the Register.

3. The Institute shall keep an accurate record of all grants issued by the Chief Herald and all registered arms to prevent duplication and ensure that no arms are granted or registered improperly.

4. The Institute shall issue official certificates confirming the registration of all approved arms, flags, and badges.

5. The Institute shall publish an annual report detailing all newly registered, amended, or revoked entries within the Register.

Article III: Authority of the Institute of Heraldry

1. The Institute of Heraldry is recognised as the sole official heraldic authority within Kaharagia.

2. The Institute is hereby granted the right to use the name “Royal Kaharagian Institute of Heraldry” in all official matters and representations.

3. All grants and registrations by the Chief Herald of Kaharagia shall be issued under the authority of the Sovereign Prince of Kaharagia.

4. The Chief Herald of Kaharagia shall be responsible for overseeing the Register and may appoint a Herald to manage its administration.

5. The Institute shall advise the Sovereign on all matters related to heraldry and ensure adherence to established heraldic customs, principles, and legal standards.

Article IV: Registration Process

1. Individuals, families, institutions, and recognised bodies within Kaharagia may apply for the registration of arms, flags, and badges.

2. Foreigners may also register their lawfully granted or assumed arms with the Institute of Heraldry, provided they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their arms.

3. Applications must be submitted in accordance with the regulations established by the Institute of Heraldry.

4. The Institute shall have the authority to accept, reject, or amend applications based on historical accuracy, heraldic propriety, and legal considerations.

5. Any disputes regarding registration shall be resolved by the Sovereign, upon the recommendation of the Institute.

6. New grants and registrations shall be published in the Royal Kaharagian Gazette, the official government gazette of Kaharagia.

Article V: Protection of National Symbols

1. The unauthorised use, misrepresentation, or fraudulent adoption of registered arms, flags, and badges is strictly prohibited.

2. Violations of this article shall be subject to penalties as determined by law.

3. The Institute of Heraldry shall have the authority to initiate legal proceedings against any entity or individual infringing upon the integrity of registered symbols.

Article VI: Digital Registry and Subscription

1. The Institute of Heraldry shall, within the next six months, submit to the Sovereign a plan detailing the timeline for making the Register publicly available online.

2. The Chief Herald may, if necessary, impose a subscription fee for accessing the online Register to cover operational costs, in addition to any fees related to the granting and registration of arms.

Article VII: Implementation and Enforcement

1. Previously issued coats of arms shall be registered free of charge within the next 365 days from the promulgation of this decree.

2. The Sovereign shall retain the authority to amend or interpret this decree as necessary.

3. All previous regulations inconsistent with this decree are hereby repealed.

4. This decree shall take effect immediately upon its promulgation and shall be published in the official gazette of the Principality of Kaharagia.

5. All institutions, organisations, and individuals shall adhere to the provisions set forth in this decree.

GIVEN under Our Hand and the Great Seal of Our Principality, at Our Court in Detroit, this 1st day of January, in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Five, and the Fifteenth of Our Reign.