Royal Decree No. 3/2025 of 3 January 2025 On the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism

WHEREAS the Principality of Kaharagia is committed to upholding the safety, security, and integrity of its people and institutions, both domestically and internationally;

HAVING REGARD TO the global threat of terrorism, which endangers human lives, undermines peace and stability, and violates fundamental human rights;

RECOGNISING the necessity of ensuring that Kaharagian nationals do not engage in or support activities linked to terrorism;

Now, THEREFORE, We, in Our Sovereign capacity, by the authority vested in Us, do hereby decree as follows:

Article I: Definition of Terrorism

1. Terrorism shall be defined as:

a. Any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population, coercing a government, or destabilising lawful authorities.

b. The unlawful use of violence or threats of violence to achieve political, ideological, religious, or other objectives, regardless of the underlying motive.

2. Acts of terrorism shall include, but not be limited to:

a. Bombings, hijackings, mass shootings, or similar attacks targeting the public or infrastructure.

b. Cyber-attacks that disrupt critical systems or cause harm to civilians.

c. Financing, recruiting, training, or harbouring individuals or groups for the purpose of committing terrorist acts.

Article II: Freedom Fighters and Resistance Movements

1. In recognition of the distinction between terrorism and legitimate struggles for self-determination or freedom:|

a. Acts committed by organised groups resisting oppression or occupation, provided they adhere to principles of international humanitarian law and do not target civilians, shall not be deemed acts of terrorism.

b. Freedom fighters or resistance movements that primarily aim to achieve independence, self-determination, or fundamental human rights, without resorting to indiscriminate violence or attacks against non-combatants, shall not be automatically classified as terrorist entities.

2. The Secretariat of State, through the Office of Laws and Justice, shall assess and determine the status of such groups, balancing the need for security with respect for the right to self-determination under international law.

Article III: Obligations of Kaharagian Nationals

1. All Kaharagian nationals, regardless of their location, are prohibited from:

a. Providing material, financial, or logistical support to designated terrorist organisations or individuals.

b. Engaging in recruitment, propaganda, or other activities promoting terrorist ideologies.

c. Participating in, planning, or otherwise facilitating acts of terrorism.

2. Nationals found to be in violation of this decree shall be subject to prosecution in accordance with Kaharagian law, irrespective of the jurisdiction in which the offence occurred.

3. Nationals residing abroad shall be required to comply with Kaharagian law, in addition to the laws of their host country, concerning terrorism-related offences.

Article IV: Designation of Terrorist Entities

1. The Principality of Kaharagia shall maintain a formal List of Designated Terrorist Organizations and Individuals.

2. The criteria for designation shall include:

a. Evidence of involvement in acts of terrorism as defined in Article I.

b. Evidence of financing, supporting, or promoting terrorism.

c. Evidence of association with entities or individuals already designated as terrorist by Kaharagia or recognised international bodies.

3. Designations and maintenance shall be done by the Undersecretary of State for Laws and Justice, with the approval of the Sovereign.

4. Designations shall be reviewed periodically to ensure accuracy and compliance with domestic and international law, the Undersecretary of State for Laws and Justice shall be responsible.

Article V: Oversight

1. The Secretariat of State, through the Office of Laws and Justice and under the supervision of the Undersecretary for Laws and Justice, shall oversee the enforcement of this decree.

2. Measures may include:

a. Investigating nationals suspected of supporting or engaging in terrorist activities.

b. Freezing or seizing financial assets linked to terrorism.

c. Sharing information with international partners to prevent and suppress terrorism.

3. An annual report on enforcement actions, updates to the list of designated terrorist entities, and compliance measures by Kaharagian nationals shall be presented to the Sovereign.

Article VI: Cooperation with International Bodies

1. The Principality of Kaharagia affirms its commitment to cooperating with international organisations, allies, and regional partners in the prevention and suppression of terrorism.

2. Kaharagia shall recognise designations made by international bodies such as the United Nations and other relevant entities when aligned with Kaharagian law.

Article VII: Implementation and Enforcement

1. This decree shall take effect immediately upon its promulgation and shall be published in the official gazette of the Kaharagia.

2. All Kaharagian nationals, institutions, and associated entities shall adhere to and respect the provisions of this decree.

GIVEN under Our Hand and the Great Seal of Our Principality, at Our Court in Detroit, This 3rd day of January, in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Five, and the Fifteenth of Our Reign.